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  • Writer's pictureNorman Floorcovering

Mixing and Matching Cabinets with Flooring

Are you considering a kitchen or bathroom makeover? One of the most striking ways to breathe new life into these spaces is by perfectly harmonizing your cabinets with your flooring. At Norman's Floorcovering, we specialize in making this design symphony sing.

Here are some key tips to create a cohesive and beautiful space.

1. Consider the Wood Tone:

If you're going for wooden cabinets and flooring, try to match the wood tones. The combination of similar hues creates a seamless, sophisticated look. Alternatively, contrasting dark cabinets with lighter floors can add a dramatic effect.

2. Play with Texture:

Combining different textures can add depth and interest to a room. A sleek, glossy floor paired with textured cabinets might create an exciting and contemporary aesthetic.

3. Mind the Color Palette:

Work within a cohesive color scheme. If your flooring has a warm undertone, selecting cabinets in a warm shade can create harmony. Cool tones can similarly be matched together.

4. Think About the Style:

Classic, modern, rustic – each style lends itself to different combinations. Matching the style of the cabinets to the flooring ensures a unified design theme.

5. Use Samples:

Bring samples of the floor covering to compare directly with the cabinets. Viewing them together in the same lighting can be crucial in achieving the perfect match.

6. Consult the Experts:

At Norman's Floorcovering, our design team has the expertise to help you find the perfect marriage between cabinets and flooring. Don't hesitate to reach out for personalized assistance.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Your space should reflect your personality and taste. Whether you're looking for an elegant, uniform look or something bold and distinctive, the right combination of cabinets and flooring can truly transform a room.

Visit Norman's Floorcovering for an array of options and personalized guidance to make your design dreams come alive. Happy decorating!

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